Saturday, December 13, 2008


Word is one of the word processing write program.In the program you can create letter formatting letter,using color,text save,print and many more .Word pad also window accessories program including windows.
How did the open word pad?
èFirst of all you choose run command from the Start menu
èThen, Type the write or WordPad in the given dialog box
èClick on ok button
èClick on start button
èGo to the a accessories and choose the word and left click on it
èChoose the run command from start menu
Then , in this you can also WordPad
èClick on ok button
èChoose search command from start menu
èChoose all files and folder from this command
èType The WordPad in the given dialog box.

Exit word pad
èChoose cut command from file menu
èPress Alt+F4 Key form the keybord

Function shortcut key
Alt=Menu Active
Tab=Jumped to the next field
Inserting New Document
èChoose new document from File menu
èChoose one of the new menu commands from option in the list eg.right text format
èClick on the ok button

Saving your file in folder
èActive the document which you want to save document
èChoose save as command from File menu
èType the file name in the name dialog box e.g Kathmandu,Nepal
(Note :Remember your saving folder like my document)
Open document
èChoose open command from file menu
èChoose one of the file in the file folder eg.Nepal
èClick on open button
Cut and Paste
èSelect the text which you want to cut
èChoose cut command from Edit menu
èPosition your cursor where you want to paste content
èChoose Paste command Paste command from `edit menu
Copy and Paste
èSelect the text which you want to copy
èChoose copy command from Edit menu
èPosition you cursor where you want to paste
Copy content
èChoose paste command from Edit menu
Select all
èActive the document which you want to select all
èChoose select all command from Edit menu
èPress Ctrl+A
Clear selection
Select the text which you want to clear
èChoose clear command form Edit menu press key from keyboard
Find Text
è Active the document where you want to find text
èChoose find command from edit menu
èType the find word in the given dialog box eg.Chhetrapati
èClick on find the next button
èActive the document where you want to replaced text
èChoose replace command from Find menu
èType find the word one replace word in the given dialog box
Eg.find BBC=
Replace British Broadcasting corporation
èClick on replace all button
Show / Hide Tool Bar
èChoose shows / hide tool bar from view menu
Inserting Date and time
èPosition your cursor where you want to insert date and time
èChoose the date and time command from insert menu
èChoose one of the date and time format and style in the given list
èClick on ok button
Insert object
è Position your cursor where you want to insert object
èChoose one object command from insert menu
èChoose one of the insert object program in the list
Eg.Paint brush picture (Create the object from active program and close object program .This process automatically insert object in your active document)
Modify Font
èSelect the text which you want modify
èChoose font command from Format menu
èChoose one of the font face font style, Font color, and choose font effect in the given dialog box.
èClick on the ok button
Set Paragraph
èSelect the paragraph which you want to set paragraph
èChoose paragraph from Format menu
èType number of left right ,Indent margin ,and first line margin in the given dialog box .
èChoose one of the paragraph alignment e.g centre
èClick on ok button
Set Bullet
èSelect the paragraph where you want to set bullet
èChoose bullet command from Format menu
Set tab margin
èSelect the text with tab margin
èChoose tabs from Format menu
èType the number of the tab stop position value in the dialog box
èClick on set button

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