I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm a Self-Improving Fun Loving Reinventer |
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Information Technology in Nepal and Mr. Muni Sakya

Information Technology in Nepal and Mr. Muni Sakya
The history of computers in Nepal dates back to the mid-seventies. However, within a short span of time, the computer sector has grown tremendously. Computers are now used in almost every school, office—big and small, and even home. Now, software packages are available in Nepal as soon as they are released in the world. The Nepalese computer professionals are keeping pace with the technological advancements in the world.
Computer industry is a potential and viable industry for the rapid development of a developing country like Nepal. There are ample opportunities for Nepal in both software and hardware industries. In order to export software to the international market, know-how of the products of international standard is required, and Nepalese are up-to-date with the technological advancements in the world. It is cost-effective to manufacture hardware components in Nepal even when the cost of the two-way freight is included. However, their relatively low market profile and the comparatively low profit of the hardware business make it less attractive to Nepalese at present.
The credit for ushering in and introducing Information Technology (IT) to Nepal goes to Mr. Muni Sakya. Born in 1942, in Patan, one of the three cities in Kathmandu valley, Mr. Sakya was interested in science and technology since his early childhood. To add to the list of his boyhood achievements is a radio receiver set that he had designed and fabricated to listen to Radio Nepal. To satisfy his keen interest in electronics, he opted for engineering, and after obtaining his Diploma in Radio Engineering from Calcutta in India in 1962, he joined Radio Nepal as a technician.
In 1970, Mr. Sakya went to the UK on a British Council scholarship and obtained Degree in C. Engineering. After his return from the UK, he designed and fabricated several devices such as laboratory type stabilized power supply, sine wave generator, etc. Muni went to France in 1973, where he worked from 1973 to 79. It was in France that he decided to switch to the field of computers. He made microprocessor-based controllers and video cards while doing a course in Communication, Digital Electronics and Computer Techniques there.
In 1979, he made the first microcomputer in Nepal. For this, he had made the power supply unit and the video card himself. He had bought keyboard from the USA and made the monitor from a Russian TV. At the South Asian Regional Conference on computers, held in Kathmandu in 1979, Mr. Sakya demonstrated his microcomputer. That made big news and world-wide coverage.
To learn more about computer programming, Mr. Sakya went to the USA in 1981. He worked in research projects in the USA, and designed computer cards. He worked in developing floppy disk controllers with 900Kb (quad density) storage space. As there were no I/O cards, after he came back from the USA, he made I/O cards required for the hard disk. He also designed microprocessor-based traffic controllers in Kathmandu. Back in his own country, he opened the first company for manufacturing computer cards, Sun Moon Computer Industry, in 1995, and also established Hi-Tech Pioneer (Pvt.) Ltd, an Internet Service Provider.
Mr. Sakya’s primary interest is in designing systems that can be operated in the Nepali language. It is not easy to program in the Nepali language. Because of the difficulty in programming, computing in Nepalese was limited to word processing. He did his first demonstration of computing in the Nepali language on a microcomputer with the display of Nepalese National Anthem in Devanagari script in 1983 on a CP/M-based computer. He got the Science Award in December 1983 for this work. He also developed a software package complete with all Nepali characters. Certificates and checks were printed in the Nepali language using it. Now professional Nepali packages can be developed in the Nepali language. Mr. Sakya is still working for total computing in Nepali with Nepali menus and commands so that people can work with computer without the knowledge of English language, just like Japanese, Chinese operating computers without the knowledge of English.
Muni Sakya has been experimenting on robotics for number of years. Around 2004-2005, he developed a robot that can speak Nepali language with artificial intelligence capability to discern the obstacles in front and the different directions by the help of built-in ultrasonic, infra red, mechanical whiskers, and other visual and audio devices. This robot's name is known as "Munis Robot."
In the year 2005, Royal Nepal Academy of Science & Tech (RONAST) has conferred Muni B. Sakya with felicitations and also the cash award of Rs. 50,000 as one of the nineteenth A class scientists in the field of Information Technology.
On May 17, 2006 for the first time in Nepal, Mr. Sakya's supercomputer with 16 nodes was demonstrated to the press and many other people as well. This supercomputer works on open source OS with OpenMosix and Oscar. The supercomputer that used to cost millions of dollars in the past is envisaged by utilizing sixteen computers in cluster bringing down the cost drastically for computing bigger and complex jobs with the fraction of a time that is many giga-flops per second. This computer is on display at High Tech Pioneer Pvt. Ltd, located at Kalikasthan, Dillibazar, Nepal.
Some Programs Developed by Mr. Muni Sakya
Voice Recognition System: This system consists of a computer trained with personalized voice and command through microphone, to control various devices such as water pump, radio, fan, music system, etc. It can also be trained to understand the Nepali language.
Voice Dictionary: This system gives the English word typed on the keyboard of the computer to be spoken in the Nepali language.
Computer-aided Education: This package helps schoolchildren learn the basic mathematics through the computer and simplifies the learning process.
Actual Nepali to English, English to Nepali dictionary: (Windows-based dictionary).
Radiation Monitor: This system monitors the alpha, beta and gamma radiation levels and sets the alarm if the radiation is above the safety limit.
Nepalese Subtitle Display: This system displays subtitles in the Devanagari script for TV programs. Nepali Multimedia: Animation with synchronized pictures of Nepal and sound, this could be a new opening for artists, musicians, writers, etc.
Hune Biruwako Chillo Pat
"I was interested in Science and Technology since my childhood. First thing that I designed and made was an electric motor. I had made even the laminations of the core myself by cutting the iron sheets. I used to do similar small projects involving electrical and electronics designs on my own", born in 1942, in Patan, Mr. Muni Bahadur Sakya, the pioneer in the Nepalese computer field puts forward his profound interest in the field of the science and technology.
He was equally interested in astronomy. He used to watch the sky all night long with the telescope he had made by himself, using his grandpa's lenses. He used to know all the planets and most of the stars. He would put his telescope in a wooden bench and let the people view the eclipse at a function held in Patan on the night of the eclipse. People were able to see the shadow move along the moon.
To add to the list of his boyhood achievements, is a radio receiver set that he had designed and fabricated to listen to the Radio Nepal. People used to make fun of him for the contraptions he had developed." They used to call me 'Radio Banaune Manche Ayo' when I pass by them", he recalls early days of his adventure in the field of electronics. He had designed coils to catch radio at various bands. That's how he gained his appetite for electronics.
"I thought in order to satisfy my keen interest in the field of electronics, I should opt for engineering", said Mr. Sakya who acquired his Diploma in Radio Engineering from Calcutta in India in 1962. He started his career in the field of electronics from Radio Nepal as a technician.
Where there is a will there is a way
In 1970, Mr. Sakya went to UK on a British Council Scholarship and obtained the degree of C. Engineering." During that time it was very difficult to get any information in the field of science and technology in Nepal. I was able to find complete solution to most of my queries in UK. I found that it was easy to get any information that I was looking for and people were well versed in the practical as well as theoretical aspects.", he recollects his experiences in UK.
Upon his return from UK, he accomplished several design and fabrication works, such as laboratory type stabilized power supply, sine wave generator etc. " I used to give a lot of time and devotion to electronics", he reveals the secret of his achievements.
Muni Sakya into Computers
"I was interested in computers since I was in UK, but I was nowhere at that time." Muni had the opportunity to go to France in 1978 through RSS ( Rastriya Samachar Samiti) where he was working then. It was then he decided to switch to the field of computers. Muni Sakya worked at RSS from 1973 to 79.
He made microprocessor based controllers and video cards while he was doing the course in Communication, Digital Electronics and Computer Techniques in France.
The Historic Event
"In 1979, I made the first microcomputer in Nepal. It had 1Kb memory. I had made the power supply unit and the video card myself. I had bought keyboard from US and made the monitor from a Russian TV", Mr. Sakya speaks proudly of his greatest achievement in life.
In the South Asian Regional Conference on computers held at Blue Star Hotel in Kathmandu in 1979, in which 8 countries had participated, Mr. Muni Sakya had opportunity to demonstrate his microcomputer. That was a big news and it got a world-wide coverage.
Thirst to learn and to do more
It was the thirst to learn more in the field of computer design that Mr. Sakya on his own went to US in 1981. Even India had not done much in the field of microcomputers at that time. " I was lucky as well as brave enough, I would say, that I was able to work in research related projects in US." He was involved with the company in designing computer cards. He worked in the development of floppy disk controllers with 900Kb (quad density) storage space when Apple computer was using only 80Kb per diskette.
"Seagate had made 5Mb hard disks but there were no I/O card for them. After I came back from the US, I made the I/O card required for that hard disk which was put in use in Agricultural Development Bank", Mr. Muni Sakya, the Executive Director of Hi-Tech Pioneer (Pvt.) Ltd., talks of his indigenous works. He has also designed microprocessor based traffic controllers in Kathmandu.
Muni Sakya and Computing in Nepalese Language
"I did my first demonstration of computing in Nepalese language in a microcomputer with the display of Nepalese National Anthem in Devnagarik in 1983. It was on a CP/M based computer. That was quite a news even in the outside world. Even India had not been able to do it at that time." Credit of introducing computing in Nepalese goes to none but to Mr. Muni Sakya. He got the Science Award in December 1983 for this work.
"It was not easy to program in Nepalese. There were only a handful of programmers. Because of the difficulty in the programming part, computing in Nepalese was limited to word processing. However, in 1985, Agricultural Development Bank started the data processing in Nepalese in a minor scale. Now the picture is different. We have newer fonts, and tools which can be used for data processing and professional desktop publications."
Muni Sakya has recently developed a software package complete with all the Nepalese characters. It has been developed with the consultation of experts of Sanskrit and Hindi. The certificates and cheques were printed in Nepali language in Capital Market (NIDC) using the same. Demonstration of the product has been done to the various potential users viz., Malpot and Napi Departments. "Now we are capable of developing professional Nepali packages in Nepalese language. There were limitations in the past but no more now", Muni Sakya sees the scope for the further development of computing specifically in Nepalese language.
Talking about the marketing of the product Muni Sakya says that he plans to give the complete professional package free of cost to all of his hardware customers.
A dream come true : Sun Moon Computer Industry Pvt. Ltd.
"It was my dream to start a computer industry in Nepal. After I came back from the United States, I made computers on my own and explored my potentials and confidence in establishing the industry." Mr. Sakya opened the first industry to manufacture computer cards in Nepal in a joint venture, 'Sun Moon Computer Industry' early this year.
"When I went to the Department of Industry to get license to open the industry to manufacture computer cards in Nepal, I had a tough time in convincing the authorities. It took me 3-4 years to get the license." Muni Sakya had some bitter experiences with the government. However, he appreciates the government for the reduction in taxation on the computer parts and components by 5% compared to the computers.
The call of the time
"Many ways I could say yes I am what I wanted to be. Because personally I have achieved most of the things that I had once dreamed of. But when I look at countries like Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia etc. who have developed because of the development in the field of computers in their countries, I feel sad. Nepal declares itself as a 'Krishi Pradhan Desh'. It is next to impossible to improve our economy with that policy", Mr. Sakya thinks that the computer industry is the potential and viable industry for the rapid development of Nepal.
"I have been through Panchayat, Congress, and UML government. But none of their government ever realized the importance of this field. They always took computer as a luxury. It is not a luxury item and should not be treated as a luxury. Computer is an inevitable and versatile educational tool."
Talking about the limitations he says, " I have profound interest and understanding in the field of electronics and computers. But, for the development of the country, unless there is positive attitude and a solid funding from the government for a project, one can not work any further."
Nepalese Computer Industry : past, present and the future
" History of computers in Nepal is very short. It started from IBM 1401 from NCC and the Apple in the mid seventies. Apple even the CP/M based, was very much in use during the eighties. That was a good start for Nepal", Muni Sakya recalls the past of Nepal's computer Industry.
" I feel glad to see the recent development in the field of computers in our country. Computers are now used in every day life in schools, NGOs, INGOs etc. Within the five years span computer sector has grown tremendously. Now the scene is that, the software packages are available in Nepal as soon as they are released in the world and the Nepalese are upto date with the technological developments in the world. However, computer is a highly complicated tool and its optimum use is not widespread even in developed countries, not to mention about Nepal." That's how Muni Sakya evaluates the present scenario of the computer industry in our country.
Future of the computer industry looks pretty bright to Muni Sakya. He says, " People of the young generation who have gone abroad to pursue studies in the field of computers will definitely bring new things and ideas. There are so many things that can be done in Nepal, both in software and hardware. There is notable brain in software development. Though the prospects of hardware industry is risky at a glance, there are ample of opportunities for Nepal in this area as well."
Muni Sakya sees the prospect of export
"In order to export software to the international market, know-how of the product of international standard is required. So, the nation must give opportunities for the people to get exposed to the outside world and also attract people who have gone abroad for studies and stop the existing problem of braindrain", Mr. Sakya highlights the problems in the export of software.
"Hardware and software should go hand in hand. There is higher degree of competency in the export of the hardware product in order to meet the universal component standard. In a Joint Venture like mine, partners will always be cautious in the production quality product. However, it is cost effective to manufacture hardware parts in Nepal even when the cost of the two way freight is included. But the lower profile in the market and the comparatively less profit of the hardware business makes it less attractive to Nepalese at present. However, the government should encourage the interested entrepreneurs", Mr. Sakya shares his feelings.
He feels the need of a governmental policy to attract foreign and Nepalese investors by providing special benefits, such as loan and tax holiday.
Indigenious Works of Muni Sakya
Mr. Muni Sakya has been primarily interested in designing systems that can be operated in the Nepalese language.
Voice Recognition System
This system consists of a computer, trained with the personalised voice and command through microphone, to control various outside world devices such as water pump, radio, fan, music system etc. It can also be trained to understand Nepalese language.
Voice Dictionary
This system gives the English word typed on the keyboard of the computer to be spoken out in Nepalese language.
Computer Aided Education in Nepal
This package helps the school goers learn the basic mathematics through the computer and simplifies the learning process..
Actual Nepalese to English, English to Nepalese dictionary.
22900 words. (Windows based)
Radiation Monitor :
This system monitors the alpha, beta and gamma radiation level and sets the alarm on if the radiation is above the safety limit.
Nepalese Sub-titles Display
This system will display Nepalese sub-titles for various TV programs broadcasted in other languages.
Nepali Multimedia
Animation with synchronized pictures of Nepal and sound is developed. This could be a new opening for artists, musicians, writers etc.
Udeshya ke linu udi chhunu chandra eka
Muni Sakya thrives for total computing in Nepalese with Nepalese menus and commands so that people can work with computer without the knowledge of English language, just like Japanese, Chinese operating computers without the knowledge of English.
Message to the young generation from the Pioneer
“All those who have gone abroad for studies in this field, please come back to your country and work for any engineering project or start one on your own. You may be underpaid or might have to struggle hard in the beginning, but you will ultimately gain satisfaction, since your contribution is vital for the development of this nation."
Monday, December 22, 2008

भारतमा थुप्रै ठूला नदीहरू छन् । गंगा नदी भारतको सबैभन्दा ठूलो नदी हो र भारतीय सभ्यतामा यसलाई निकै पवित्र मानिन्छ । यस देशका अन्य ठूला नदीहरू ब्रह्मपुत्र, यमुना, गोदावरी, कावेरी, कृष्णा, चम्बल, सतलज, बियास आदि हुन् ।
भारतको जनसंख्या १ अरब भन्दा बढि छ जुन चीन पछिको विश्वको दोश्रो सबैभन्दा धेरै हो । भारतलाई विश्वको सबैभन्दा ठूलो लोकतंत्र मानिन्छ । यहाँ ३०० भन्दा धेरै भाषाहरू बोलीन्छन् ।
भारत एक प्राचीन सभ्यता को भूमि हो । विश्वका चार प्रमुख धर्म: हिन्दू, बौध, जैन तथा सिख को उत्पत्ती भारतमा भएको हो
भारत विश्वको दसौं ठूलो अर्थव्यवस्था हो, तर हालै गरेको आर्थिक प्रगतिका कारण भारत आफू विश्वमा तेश्रो अथवा चौथो ठूलो अर्थव्यवस्था भएको मान्दछ । १९४७ मा स्वतन्त्रता भन्दा पहिले ब्रिटिश भारतको रूपमा बेलायती साम्राज्यको प्रमुख अंग भारतले विगत २० वर्ष मा सार्थक प्रगति हासिल गरेको छ । भारतको उक्त प्रगति विशेष रूपमा आर्थिक र सैनिक क्षेत्रमा एक क्षेत्रिय शक्ति र विश्वव्यापक शक्तिको रूपमा देखिन थालेको छ ।
नामभारतका दुई आधिकारिक नाम छन् हिन्दीमा भारत र अंग्रेजीमा इन्डिया (India) । इन्डिया नाम को उत्पत्ति सिन्धु नदी को फारसी नाम बाट भएको हो । भारत नाम एक प्राचीन हिन्दू राजा भरत, जसको कथा महाभारतमा उल्लेख छ, को नाम बाट लिईएको हो । एक तेस्रो नाम हिन्दुस्तान (उत्पत्ति फारसी) या हिन्दुहरूको भूमि मुगल काल देखि प्रयोगमा आएको देखिन्छ । मुख्य रूपले मध्यपूर्वका देशहरूमा भारतलाई हिन्दुस्तान भन्ने गर्दछन् ।
मुख्य पृष्ठ : भारतीय इतिहास
ईतिहासभारतमा पहिलो मानव स्थाई बसाई ९००० वर्ष भएको मानिन्छ । यो नै पछि गएर सिन्धु घाटीको सभ्यता मा विकसित भयो , जुन २६०० ई.पू. र १९०० ई.पू. को बिचमा विकसित अवस्थामा थियो । लगभग १६०० ईसापूर्वमा आर्य भारत आए र उत्तर भारतीय क्षेत्रमा वैदिक सभ्यताको सूत्रपात गरे । यस सभ्यता को स्रोत वेद र पुराण हुन् । यो परम्परा कयौं सताब्दी वर्ष पुरानो छ । यही समय दक्षिण भारत मा द्रविड सभ्यताको विकास भैरह्यो । दुबै जाति ले एक अर्काको राम्रो पक्ष अपनाउँदै भारत मा एक मिश्रित संस्कृति को निर्माण गरे।
५औं शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व पछि कैयौं स्वतन्त्र राज्य बने । उत्तरमा मौर्य राजवंश, जिसमा बौद्ध महाराजा अशोक सम्मिलित थिए, ले भारतको सांस्कृतिक पटलमा उल्लेखनीय छाप छोडे । १८० ईसवीको सुरूदेखि, मध्य एशियाबाट कयौं आक्रमण भए, जसको परिणामस्वरूप उत्तरी भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप मा यूनानी, शक, पार्थी तथा अन्त्यमा कुषाण राज्य स्थापित भए तेस्रो शताब्दी पछिको समय, जुन बेला भारतमा गुप्त वंशको शासन थियो, भारतको "स्वर्णिम काल" मानिन्छ ।
तेस्रो शताब्दी मा सम्राट अशोक द्वारा बनाईएको मध्य प्रदेशमा अवस्थित साँचीको स्तूपदक्षिण भारतमा भिन्न-भिन्न समयकालमा कयौं राजवंश चालुक्य, चेर, चोल, पल्लव तथा पांड्य स्थापित भए विज्ञान, कला, साहित्य, गणित, खगोल शास्त्र, प्राचीन प्रौद्योगिकी, धर्म, तथा दर्शन यीनै राजाहरूको शासनकालमा विकशित भए
१२औं शताब्दीको प्रारंभमा, भारतमा इस्लामी आक्रमण पश्चात, उत्तरी तथा मध्य भारतका अधिकांश भाग दिल्ली सल्तनतको शासनाधीन भयो; र पछि, अधिकांश उपमहाद्वीप मुगल वंशको अधीनमा गयो । दक्षिण भारतमा विजयनगर साम्राज्य शक्तिशाली भएर उदायो । तर, विशेषतः तुलनात्मक रूपमा, संरक्षित दक्षिणमा अनेक राज्य बाँकी रहे अथवा अस्तित्वमा आए।
१७औं शताब्दीको मध्यकाल मा पोर्चुगल, नेदरल्याण्ड, फ्रान्स, बेलायत सहित अनेकौं युरोपेली देशहरू, जो भारतसंग व्यापार गर्न इच्छुक थिए, उनिहरूले देशको शासकिय अराजकताको लाभ उठाए । बेलायत अरू युरोपेली देशहरूलाई उछिन्न सफल भएर १८४० सम्म लगभग संपूर्ण देशमा शासन गर्न सफल भयो । १८५७ मा ब्रिटिश इस्ट इंडिया कम्पनीका विरुद्ध असफल विद्रोह भयो, जुन भारतीय स्वतन्त्रताको प्रथम संग्राम बाट चिनिन्छ, पछि भारतको अधिकांश भाग सीधै अंग्रेजी शासनको प्रशासनिक नियंत्रणमा आयो ।
कोणार्क चक्र - १३औं शताब्दी मा बनेको उडीसा को सूर्य मन्दिर मा स्थित, यो संसारको सबैभन्दा प्रसिद्घ ऐतिहासिक स्थानहरू मध्येमा एक हो ।बीसौं शताब्दीको सुरूमा एक लामो समय सम्म स्वतन्त्रताको लागि विशाल अहिंसावादी संघर्ष चल्यो, जसको नेतृत्व चन्द्रशेखर आजाद, सरदार भगत सिंह, सुख देव, राज्गुरु, नेताजी सुभाष चन्द्र बोस आदिले, जो आधिकारिक रुपमा आधुनिक भारतका राष्ट्रपिताबाट संबोधित गरिन्छन्, ले गरे । यो संघर्ष 15 अगस्त, 1947 मा सफल भयो जब भारतले अंग्रेजी शासनबाट पूर्णतः स्वतन्त्रता प्राप्त गर्यो । त्यस पछि 26 जनवरी, 1950 मा भारत एक गणराज्य बन्यो ।
एक बहुजातीय तथा बहुधर्मिक राष्ट्र भएको कारण भारत समय-समयमा साम्प्रदायिक तथा जातीय द्वेषको शिकार हुने गर्दछ । क्षेत्रीय असंतोष तथा विद्रोह पनि देशका अलग-अलग भागमा भैरहन्छन् । तर यसको धर्मनिरपेक्षता तथा जनतान्त्रिकता केवल १९७५-७७ मा, जब तत्कालीन प्रधानमन्त्री इन्दिरा गान्धी ले संकटकालको घोषणा गरिन्, बाहेक अटुट रहीरहेको छ ।
भारतका छिमेकी राष्ट्रहरूको साथ थुप्रै सीमा विवादहरू छन् । यसै कारण यसले बेला बेलामा युद्धको पनि सामना गर्नु परेको छ । १९६२ मा चीन संग, तथा १९४७, १९६५, १९७१ एवम् १९९९ मा पाकिस्तान संग युद्धहरू भैसकेको छ ।
भारत धर्मनिरपेक्ष आन्दोलन तथा संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघको संस्थापक सदस्य देशहरू मध्येमा एक हो ।
१९७४ मा भारतले आफ्नो पहिलो परमाणु परीक्षण गर्यो त्यसपछि १९९८ मा 5 अरू परीक्षणहरू गर्यो । १९९० को दशक मा गरेको आर्थिक सुधारीकरणको कारण आज भारत द्रुत गतिमा विकाश गर्ने राष्ट्रहरूको सुचीमा गनिन्छ ।
[परिवर्तन्] हावापानी तथा भौगोलिक अवस्था हिमालयले उत्तरमा जम्मू तथा काश्मीर देखि पूर्वमा अरुणाचल प्रदेश सम्म भारतको उत्तरी सीमानाको रूपमा काम गर्दछ ।भारतको धेरैजसो उत्तरी तथा उत्तरपश्चिमी प्रातन्हरू हिमालयको पहाडी भागमा पर्दछ । बाँकी उत्तरी, मध्य र पूर्वी भारत गंगाको उर्वर मैदानों बाट बनेको छ । भारतको पश्चिममा थार का मरुभूमी छ जुन पाकिस्तान सम्म फैलिएको छ । दक्षिण भारत लगभग सम्पूर्ण रूपले डेक्कन (दक्खन) पठारले ओगटेको छ । यो पठार पूर्वी घाट र पश्चिमी घाटको बीचमा अवस्थित छ ।
भारतमा थुप्रै महत्वपूर्ण तथा ठूला नदीहरू छन् जस्तै : गंगा, ब्रह्मपुत्र, यमुना, गोदावरी र कृष्णा । यी नदीहरूका कारण उत्तर भारत को भूमि कृषिको लागि उर्वर छ ।
भारतको भौगोलिक बनावटको विविधता सँगै यसको हावापानीमा पनि निकै भिन्नता छ । दक्षिणमा तटीय तथा गर्मी हावापानी छ भने उत्तरमा ठण्डा हावापानी छ । पूर्वमा अधिक वर्षा हुन्छ भने पश्चिममा सुख्खा मरूभूमी छ । भारतमा वर्षा मुख्य रूपले मानसून हवाको कारणले हुन्छ ।
[परिवर्तन्] भारतका प्रान्त तथा तिनका राजधानी भारतको राजनैतिक विभाजनभारतमा 29 प्रान्त तथा 6 केन्द्र शासित संघीय राज्य क्षेत्र यस प्रकार छन्
प्रान्तहरू१) अरुणाचल प्रदेश (इटानगर); २) असम (दिसपुर); ३) उत्तर प्रदेश (लखनऊ); ४) उत्तरखण्ड (देहरादून); ५) उड़ीसा (भुवनेश्वर); ६) आंध्र प्रदेश (भागनगर / हैदराबाद); ७) कर्णाटक (बंगलूर); ८) केरल (तिरुवनंतपुरम); ९) गोवा (पणजी); १०) गुजरात (गाँधीनगर); ११) छत्तीसगढ़ (रायपुर); १२) जम्मू र कश्मीर (श्रीनगर तथा (जम्मू); १३) झारखंड (रांची); १४) तमिलनाडू (चेन्नै); १५) त्रिपुरा (अगरतला); १६) नागालैंड (कोहिमा); १७) पश्चिम बंगाल (कलकाता); १८) पंजाब (चंडीगढ़); १९) बिहार (पटना); २०) मणिपुर (इम्फाल); २१) मध्य प्रदेश (भोपाल); २२) महाराष्ट्र (मुम्बै); २३) मिज़ोरम (ऐज़ौल); २४) मेघालय (शिलॉंग); २५) राजस्थान (जयपुर); २६) सिक्किम (गंगटोक); २७) हरियाणा (चंडीगढ़); २८) हिमाचल प्रदेश (शिमला);
[परिवर्तन्] केन्द्र शासित संघीय राज्य क्षेत्रक) अंडमान र निकोबार द्वीप (पोर्ट ब्लेअर); ख) चंडीगढ़; दमन र दियू (दमन); ग,घ) दादर र नगर हवेली (सिलवासा); ङ) लक्षद्वीप (कवरत्ती) च) दिल्ली; छ) पोण्डिचेरी;
[परिवर्तन्] राष्ट्रिय गीत तथा राष्ट्रिय गानभारतको राष्ट्रिय गीत जन गण मन गुरुदेव रवीन्द्रनाथ ठाकुरद्वारा लेखिएको हो । र राष्ट्रिय गान वन्दे मातरम बंकिम चंद्र चटर्जीद्वारा लेखिएको हो
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
अमेरिकामा प्रतिभाशाली नेपाली बालक

उनी हुन् एउटा होनहार नेपाली बालक राजेश कोइराला । माधव र सीताका एक मात्र छोरा । चार र पाच कक्षा नेपालमा पढी डिभी भिसाको सुविधामा आमासगै सन् २००५ मा अमेरिका प्रवेश गरेका थिए । त्यस अघि मामा प्रो.डा.केशव भट्टर्राईको काखमा झण्डै दुइ वर्ष अमेरिका बसी उनले अमेरिकामै एक र दुइ कक्षा पढेका थिए । वारेन्र्सबर्ग मिजौरीस्थित मामाघरमा बसी वारेन्र्सबर्ग मिडिल स्कुलमा उनले छ र सात ग्रेड पढे । त्यहा उनले प्रत्येक जाचमा असाधारण विद्यार्थीको कीर्तिमान कायम गरे ।
उनी प्रत्येक दिन, प्रत्येक क्षण अघि बढ्न चाहने बालक भएकाले गर्मी बिदामा उनी मामासँग विश्वविद्यालयका कक्षा चाहार्न थाले । विद्यालयहरुको शैक्षिक स्तर जाच्ने रहर उनमा पलायो । जसको कारण उनीमा अमेरिकाको नम्बर एक सबैभन्दा राम्रो विद्यालयमा पढ्ने चाहना बढ्दै गयो । फलत उनी सन् २००७ मा VONNE A EWELL TOWN CENTER मा पढ्न टेक्सास आए । कक्षा आठ कोपल मिडिल विद्यालय नर्थमा उनी भर्ना भए । त्यसपछि उच्च प्रतिभाशाली विद्यार्थीको कीर्ति कायम राख्दै उनले १० हजार विद्यार्थीहरुसग प्रतिस्पर्धा गरी VONNE A EWELL TOWN CENTER मा अध्ययनका लागि प्रवेश गर्न सफल भए । त्यो विद्यालयमा पढ्ने उनी सबैभन्दा कान्छा उमेरका विद्यार्थी हुन् । साथै उनी त्यहा पढ्न पाउने पहिलो नेपाली पनि भएका छन् ।
सानै उमेरदेखि आऊ वीरेन्द्र फेरि आऊ, आकाश गंगा, जाडो शीर्षकका विभिन्न कविता लेखी प्रकाशन गर्न पनि सफल भएका राजेशका कविता अमेरिकाको राष्ट्रिय स्तरको प्रकाशन पोयट्री फर योङ् अमेरिकन्सङ्स युवा अमेरिकीहरुको कविताको संकलन स्मारिका एस्ट्रोलोजीमा पनि छापिएका छन् । उनले मिजौरी राज्य स्तरका केही पुरस्कारलगायत उनको विद्यालयबाट प्रदान गरिने दर्जनौ पुरस्कारहरु पाएका छन् ।
कक्षा नौ मा भर्ना भएको दोस्रो दिन विद्यालयको सुपरीवेक्षक मार्फत् प्रिन्सिपलले बोलाएर उनलाई यति सानो १२ वर्षे उमेरमा यति धेरै कसरी पढ्न सक्यौ भनेर सोधेछन् । त्यसपछि उनले भनेछन्- मैले एउटा असल मान्छे बन्ने प्रेरणाले पढेको हुँ । त्यसपछि प्रिन्सिपलले उनलाई ल बाबुको नाम विद्यालयको वेबसाइटमा राखिदिनेछौ भनेर शुभकामना दिएछन् । स्मरणीय छ राजेशले स्टाटिस्टिकको १५औ कक्षासम्मको क्रेडिट आवर पूरा गरिसकेको प्रसंगमा प्रिन्सिपलले त्यसो भनेका थिए । जुन उनको उमेरको विद्यार्थीले गर्नु आफैंमा विलक्षण प्रतिभाको उदाहरण हो । स्रोत: अमेरिका दर्पण डटकमको स्मारिकाबाट
नयाँ नेपालको राष्ट्रिय गान

ब्याकुल माईला (प्रदिप राई)
सयौं थूंगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली
५ जना उत्कृष्ट लेखक बालबालिका पुरस्कृत भए - ketaketinews.com
राजधानी दैनिकको शनिवासरीय बालप्रकाशन सौजन्यमा रचना प्रकाशित भएकामध्ये ५ जना उत्कृष्ट बालबालिका पुरस्कृत भएका छन् । ती बालबालिकाहरुलाई बालसाहित्य प्रतिष्ठान नेपाल र केटाकेटी न्यूज डटकमका लागि वरिष्ठ समाजसेवी प्रा.डा.अच्युतमणि आचार्यले पुरस्कारस्वरुप कपि र बालसाहित्यका किताबहरु प्रायोजन गर्नुभएको थियो ।
पुरस्कृत हुने बालबालिकाहरुमा क्रमशः २०६५ कार्तिक २ गते प्रकाशित दक्षिणा वचत शिर्षक रचनाका लागि सनिस राजचल, कक्षा ५, लिसा मावि, लिवाली, भक्तपुर, ९ गते प्रकाशित विद्यार्थी र देश शिर्षक रचनाका लागि प्रकाश कुमार शाह, कक्षा ७, इपिएस स्कुल,वानेश्वर, काठमाडौं, कार्तिक २३ गते प्रकाशित हाम्रो नेपाल शिर्षक रचनाका लागि अलिग तामाङ्ग, कक्षा ९, तरुण मावि बालाजु, काठमाडौं, २०६५ कार्तिक ३० गते प्रकाशित सौजन्यको मेरी आमा शिर्षक रचनाका लागि मुना श्रेष्ठ, कक्षा ७ ख, शिवपुरी उमावि बालुवाटार, काठमाडौं र २०६५ मंसिर ७ गते प्रकाशित सौजन्यको हाम्रो देश शिर्षक रचनाका लागि पेमा युटिन शेर्पा, कक्षा १, मंगलदीप बोर्डिङ स्कुल, बौद्घ, काठमाडौं रहेका छन् ।
विद्रोही लप्काहरुको बकपत्र

यी हरफहरु मार्फत हामी सजिलै पढ्न सक्छौं कवि ध्रुवसत्यको परिवर्तनशील आजको समयको मागप्रतिको चेतना । यहाँ "बुहारी" एउटी नारी पात्रलाई उभ्याए पनि यो बिम्बले प्रत्येक पिछडिएको जाति, वर्ग, धर्म, संस्कृतिका व्यक्तिलाई प्रतिबिम्बित गर्दछ । अहिलेको अवस्थामा राज्यले, समाजले र शक्तिकेन्द्रले बेवास्ता गरेका, लत्याएका जाती वर्ग लिङ्ग धर्मका सबैजना अलि जागृत भई आफ्नो हक अधिकार र अवसरको लागि अगाडि वढिरहेको अवस्थामा अरु जाति वर्ग र लिङ्गलाई अगाडि वढेको देख्न नसक्ने निरंकुशहरुले उनीहरुलाई बहुलाएको बुहारीको संज्ञा दिनु कुन ठूलो कुरा हो र यो दैनिक घटिरहेको सत्य घटना हो जसलाई कवि ध्रुवसत्यले ज्यादै कुशलतापूर्वक आफ्नो कवितामा पोखेका छन् । उनी मानवताको सन्देश दिन चाहन्छन् यो निसास्सिंदो परिस्थितिबाट गुज्रिरहेका प्रत्येक दुःखी हृदयलाई । उनले प्रेमलाई नै त्यो कसिको रुपमा पाउँछन् जसले हारलाई पनि जित बनाइदिन्छ । प्रेमले हामी मानिसलाई मानिस हुनुको अर्थ बुझाई दिन्छ अनि स्वतन्त्रताको बाटोमा डो-याइदिन्छ । उनका कविताहरुमा आशा पनि छ निराशा पनि । यो विषम परिस्थितिको चित्रण गर्दै जीवन चिनी नपुगेको फिका चिया जस्तै नमीठो हुँदै गएको अवगत गराउँछन् । हामी प्रायः जसोले भोगेको अभावग्रस्त र महङ्गीको मारले थिचिएको निराशाजनक जीवनको दुरुस्तै चित्रण गर्छन् यी हरफहरुमा -"एउटा भाडाको कोठामामेरा भावना भड्किरहेछन्मेरो आदर्श अलापिरहेछन्फिका चियाको चुस्किसँगैचिनीको मूल्य वृद्धिसँगै"उनीभित्र पलाइरहेका आशाका मुनाहरुलाई पनि सहजै महसुस गर्न सकिन्छ उनको कविता "भाग्य" मार्फत । यस कवितामा उनी ज्योतिष बाले भविष्यवाणी गरेको भन्दा फरक बनाउन चाहन्छन् आफ्नो भाग्य । ज्योतिषीले भनेजस्तो उनको छोरा विदेश दुःख गर्न र छोरी बम्बैको कोठीमा बेचिन होइन उच्च शिक्षा हासिल गर्न जानॆछन् भन्ने उनको भनाइले उनीभित्र उभिएको दृढताको स्तम्भ र सुखद भविष्यको आशाका लहरहरुलाई देख्न सक्छौँ । "बक पत्र" कविता संग्रह कवि ध्रुवसत्यको भोगाइ खुसी पीडा विद्रोहरुपि अक्षरहरुले लेखिएका पत्रहरु हुन् । यी पत्रहरु मानवीय आशा, निराशा, भावना, प्रेम र असन्तुष्टि भन्दा पर पटक्कै छैनन् । अझ यी पत्रहरुमा कोमल हृदयको कोमल स्पन्दन भन्दा पनि भेदभावले प्वालै प्वाल बनाइदिएको मुटुबाट परिवर्तन र क्रान्तिका लागि निस्किएका विद्रोही लप्काहरु बेसी छन् ।
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Word is one of the word processing write program.In the program you can create letter formatting letter,using color,text save,print and many more .Word pad also window accessories program including windows.
How did the open word pad?
èFirst of all you choose run command from the Start menu
èThen, Type the write or WordPad in the given dialog box
èClick on ok button
èClick on start button
èGo to the a accessories and choose the word and left click on it
èChoose the run command from start menu
Then , in this you can also WordPad
èClick on ok button
èChoose search command from start menu
èChoose all files and folder from this command
èType The WordPad in the given dialog box.
Exit word pad
èChoose cut command from file menu
èPress Alt+F4 Key form the keybord
Function shortcut key
Alt=Menu Active
Tab=Jumped to the next field
Inserting New Document
èChoose new document from File menu
èChoose one of the new menu commands from option in the list eg.right text format
èClick on the ok button
Saving your file in folder
èActive the document which you want to save document
èChoose save as command from File menu
èType the file name in the name dialog box e.g Kathmandu,Nepal
(Note :Remember your saving folder like my document)
Open document
èChoose open command from file menu
èChoose one of the file in the file folder eg.Nepal
èClick on open button
Cut and Paste
èSelect the text which you want to cut
èChoose cut command from Edit menu
èPosition your cursor where you want to paste content
èChoose Paste command Paste command from `edit menu
Copy and Paste
èSelect the text which you want to copy
èChoose copy command from Edit menu
èPosition you cursor where you want to paste
Copy content
èChoose paste command from Edit menu
Select all
èActive the document which you want to select all
èChoose select all command from Edit menu
èPress Ctrl+A
Clear selection
Select the text which you want to clear
èChoose clear command form Edit menu press key from keyboard
Find Text
è Active the document where you want to find text
èChoose find command from edit menu
èType the find word in the given dialog box eg.Chhetrapati
èClick on find the next button
èActive the document where you want to replaced text
èChoose replace command from Find menu
èType find the word one replace word in the given dialog box
Eg.find BBC=
Replace British Broadcasting corporation
èClick on replace all button
Show / Hide Tool Bar
èChoose shows / hide tool bar from view menu
Inserting Date and time
èPosition your cursor where you want to insert date and time
èChoose the date and time command from insert menu
èChoose one of the date and time format and style in the given list
èClick on ok button
Insert object
è Position your cursor where you want to insert object
èChoose one object command from insert menu
èChoose one of the insert object program in the list
Eg.Paint brush picture (Create the object from active program and close object program .This process automatically insert object in your active document)
Modify Font
èSelect the text which you want modify
èChoose font command from Format menu
èChoose one of the font face font style, Font color, and choose font effect in the given dialog box.
èClick on the ok button
Set Paragraph
èSelect the paragraph which you want to set paragraph
èChoose paragraph from Format menu
èType number of left right ,Indent margin ,and first line margin in the given dialog box .
èChoose one of the paragraph alignment e.g centre
èClick on ok button
Set Bullet
èSelect the paragraph where you want to set bullet
èChoose bullet command from Format menu
Set tab margin
èSelect the text with tab margin
èChoose tabs from Format menu
èType the number of the tab stop position value in the dialog box
èClick on set button
Windows represent all of GUI (Graphic User Interface) Base
In General think we have two type of presentation
CUI (Character user Interface)
GUI (Graphic User Interface)
Windows Version
Windows 3.1
Windows 3.11
windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 98 2nd Edition
Windows 2000 with NT
Windows xp
What is window ?
A window is a rectangular area on the screen of the Monitor or on which program or data are displayed.
What are windows ?
Windows is an operating environment that works hand –in –hand with DOS.It is provideds a more graphics –orinted alternative to the DOS-command line that is mostly character based
Types OF windows
Application windows.
Document windows
Application windows are the windows that contain a program that are running and working with ,such as Microsoft word ,Ms=Excel etc. Most of the work that you do will be in application windows.Application windows are sometimes called parent windows.
Some program designed for windows application let you work on more than one document at a time .For example ,Ms-Word for windows allows you to have multiple documents open at once,in separate document windows.Insted of running word several times in separate application windows,you just run it in an application windows and open multiple document .Document windows are called child windows.
Friday, December 12, 2008
What is Windows?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Electronic Mail
Ray Tomlinson is considered the father of electronic mail, at least for Email sent from one computer to another. That...
In: Computers
What are the advantages of electronic mail?
Advantages : * We are able to communicate with others easily . * Within a fraction of seconds we can contact with...
In: InternetWhat is the difference between an electronic mail and internet relay chatting?
One is asynchronous, the other is synchronous.
In: Computers
Do email servers provide electronic mail boxes and sevice?
Yes. Mail boxes and other services are contained in the servers at the ISP offices. The mail program on your computer...
In: Internet
If you can receive your mail of more than mail two mail accounts in one mail box and when reply they are delivered through their original mail address?
In: Computers
Can mail carrier with hold mail to my apartment as others in apt threw all their junk mail near mail box he is not delivering mail telling that until everyone picks up their junk mailhe won't deliver?
I'm Afraid He Can ,The mail man could say that hes not delivering to that house because he doesn't like the colour if...
In: Federal Laws State Laws
My mail is being delivered by people other then postal mail carrier. Not being put in A sealed mail box. Is this lageal?
You must provide a postal approved mail box in order to receive mail and the mail carrier must place mail in the mail...
In: State Laws
When you forward mail you want your recipient to view the mail you have sent him without him reading everyone elses e mail address and everything else which appears before the message?
You could cut & paste what you want him to have and only send that to him - that will eleviate others addresses as...
In: Email and IMMy car was repossessed in California and my mail is in it They want me to pay to retrieve my mail. Isn't it illegal to possess and then dispose of another's mail without permission?
When you finance or lease a vehicle, your creditor holds important rights on the vehicle until you've made the last...
In: Repossession
What sites can you download something that notifies you when you have a new mail that works with yahoo mail not including yahoo mail notifier Check P3EZpop and Multi Mail notifier?
In: Technology
Is it mail fraud if someone purposefully sends mail to your address and they don't live there and they do not have permission from you to send mail there?
In: Crime and Criminal Law Laws and Regulations
LawsuitsIs it mail fraud if someone is purposefully sending mail to your address and they do not live there and they do not have permission from you to send their mail there?
It is not mail fraude, it is a stupid thing to do. A very disturbed person would do such a thing.Unless her or she does...
In: Federal Laws
What are the regulations concerning rural mail boxes can you leave things other than mail in your own mail box?
wayklmhgm lmkhjk,plkfrgkl0dfgp\l-gfg;l-=;jpldf;;j\]pl,h;;;;; l]p, ,,g p],l[lljghl[-pl;kljphl=-fl;d]p;pkl;\[-[;g/'...
In: Law and Legal Issues
Can a mail carrier refuse to deliver mail if the mail box is to low or high?
Yes, there are standards for maintaining a mail box. Part of the reason is that there is a certain height that makes...
In: Postage and Shipping
What are the advantages of using the internet as the infrastructure for electronic commerce and electronic business?
The Internet gives every seller an opportunity to advertise their wares no matter their size or location. It also gives...
In: Jobs and Education
Why is a device called an electronic gadget and not electronic equipment?
A gadget is a mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but often thought of as a novelty. It is a relative...
In: Consumer Electronics
Can somebody block a mail send from a determined mail address to an other mail adress?
there's a way, just very technical that i don`t know...look it up....:)
In: RelationshipsWhat are the adventages of digital electronic over analog electronic?
In general there is no direct advantage or disadvantage for either of the two technologies. There are various criterias...
In: UncategorizedIs it legal and OK to mail candy through the mail in an envelope It's Christmas time and I want to send my friends Candy Canes Is there anything that the mail would go through to destroy it?
provided by: Candy Cane Shipper Extraordinare Should be ok. Just be sure it's in a cardboard box and not an envelope....
In: Postage and ShippingI am Looking for Club Penguin's E-mail.I mean the general E-mail.Not the Bug fun or Suppor mail.I am searching for the general one.?
D customer support one is the general.
In: Club Penguin
How do you configure your Hotmail e-mail account in Windows Live Mail so that you can read all your e-mail in Windows Live Mail itself?
ricardo pictures thenewstribune send ricardo time seattle time
In: Microsoft Outlook and Live Hotmail
What are the electronic devices that are used in electronic design?
transitors, capacitors, resistors, diodes, transformers, Microchips,
In: Science Jobs and EducationIn one of the mash tv episodes mail call mail call again mail call 3 hawkeye talks about a fisherman back home whose name was lyle brown what episode was it?
It was in the epiode "Mail call again" season 4 first aired on december 9, 1975. Lyle Brown suffered a double hernia...
In: TV Shows and SeriesGm scanner found code 43 on 89 camaro referring to electronic spark timing ESC circuit - low voltage detected or electronic spark control circuit problems what and where is this and how to fix?
Replace the ignition module. It under the rotor under the distributer cap Held on by two 5.5 mm head bolds and make...
In: Chevy Camaro
RSGM scanner found code 43 on 1989 Camaro referring to Electronic spark timing ESC circuit - low voltage detected or Electronic spark control circuit problems what and where is this and how to fix it?
replace the ignition module Its under the rotor inside the distributer cap
In: Parts and Repairs
Should electronic communication in the classroom differ from electronic communication outside the room?
Yes. There should be no electronic communication in the classroom.
In: Consumer Electronics
Do the Jonas Brothers have a Fan E-mail account If so what is it Thank you I'm not asking for their personal e-mail addresses but their FAN mail account.?
I don't know it.
In: Celebrities
How do I prevent the spam mail coming to my mail box using filter. are there any commands that I have to give?
In: Computers
How long does it take to mail a letter from Elk Grove Village IL to New York by normal mail?
HI it will take anywhere from 3-4 day's if the usps keeps working because all they do is talk or stand around all day...
In: Deer Elk and Caribou
Can the mail carrier refuse to deliver mail to your home while you are out of town even if you have someone picking it up everyday?
yes it is illegal for someone else to touch your mail if someone else is at your home sitting it then they can get your...
In: Federal Laws
What is the incoming mail sever for sbc global net for mac mail?
Go to www.google.com and search "smtp mail server mac mail" and see what you get.
In: TechnologyWhat is playboys june 1982 - lourdes estores - e mail or mail address?
playboy june 1982 @ gmail.com
In: Celebrity
Fan Contact InformationIf North Quincy MA mail a regular mail on wednesday when should katy TX recieve it?
3 days
In: Postage and Shipping
How is yahoo mail SERVER written as To input information for a new e-mail account?
wat's up main vipimwanangu upotanazi namimi nipo oke by mai wat's up main vipimwanangu upotanazi namimi nipo oke by mai
In: Internet
I received mail from a former tenant. Can I copy the envelope before putting it back in the mail?
1 NO, you really shouldn't touch ANYones mail as that is considered a federal crime and the postal service can put...
In: Law and Legal Issues
It costs 41 cents to mail a first class letter How much does it cost to mail a postcard?
Probably the same - if you are in the usa just use a stamp like you would to use for a letter.
In: Postage and Shipping
Can an employer open mail addressed to an employee for none work related mail?
Yes, if it is delievered to the work address . If you are not the persons boss, then i wouldnt open it.
In: Federal Laws
Is there a law concerning mail delivery being hindered by mail fraud at current address?
Yes. Call local postmaster, or Postal Inspector in Charge.(usually inside front page of phone book)
In: Crime and Criminal Law
Can an employer open mail addressed to an employee for work related mail?
Yes, if it is delievered to the work address and it is not related to human resources. If you are not the persons boss,...
In: Labor and Employment LawYou can send e mail on vista windows mail but can't receive get socket 10060 error 0x800ccc0e?
hdtf I can receive but not send and get the same error message. So how do you fix it?
In: Broadband Internet
If you mail Emily Osment a letter to her fan mail address asking for an autographed picture will she send you one?
Some Celebrities do send their fans autographs but some don't. It depends on the celebrity you sent it to, what time...
In: Celebrity Fan Contact Information
Teen IdolsIs it a spam e-mail if someone writes you and tells you to write them back at an e-mail ending in highfindme.info?
its not 100% spam unless they are trying to sell you something, the email highfindme.info is a real email, aside from...
In: Internet
How do you prevent your legitimate e-mail replies from being tagged as spam and ending up in MSN junk mail?
Legitimate Mail Tagged as Spam Try to save the e-mail addresses of the legit e-mailers in your address book,...
In: Spam
Can the mail carrier refuse to deliver mail and hold it on their own at the post office because sidewalk isn't shoveled?
Yes. The approach to a box must be cleared if you desire mail delivery
In: Federal Laws Postage and Shipping
Are there any codes that reguire certain distances between a car and the mail box the mail carrier complains that one of ours is parked too close?
Clarification I lived at this location 15 years and it has never been a problem - Since this new mail woman started...
In: Property Law
How long does it take to mail a letter from Kansas City Missouri to Cedar Bluff Virginia with regular us mail?
First Class mail is delivered in three to five days.
In: Virginia
How do you report a person who opens your mail and admits to opening your mail?
tell the police they broke into your house to get a credit card that you recived in the mail tell the police they...
In: Law and Legal Issues
What is the Law on someone reading anothers confidential mail Postal mail?
I checked into this once and the answer was a lovely picture of someone with their hands showing through jail bars. The...
In: Postage and Shipping
Should you use aol mail or windows mail with Vista operating system?
Aol, it is soo much better. I love it. Windows is crappy!!! Whateva though my opinion.....
In: AOL Mail and AIM IMIf An employer send a mail to you to submit your documents via mail then how you reply?
If you mean U.S. Postal Mail - You just write a brief statement saying Dear Sir or Dear Mr. (his name). Enclosed are:...
In: Jobs and Education
programming methodology
Object-oriented programming is radically different from the traditional software-writing methods. Instead of having...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat is the difference between object oriented programming procedure oriented programming and event driven programming?
Procedural Programming simply put is dividing your problem into smaller parts (utilizing the Divide and Conqure Law)...
In: Technology Computer ProgrammingIn the sentence His hobby is programming computers is the word programming a gerund or a verb?
I believe it is a gerund, try reading the sentence dropping the word computers: "His hobby is programming" Programming...
In: Grammar Computer ProgrammingComparatively constrast the concepts of structured programming against those of object oriented programming?
Structured programming can be thought of as using a series of steps and simple constructs to solve a problem. At a...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat is the best programming language to start with if you want to learn programming for the first time also where is a tutorial for it or a book you would recommend that teaches it?
This is a difficult question to answer generically, and generally depends on the types of application that you would...
In: Computer ProgrammingIs Programming C Plus Plus Under Linux-Ubuntu Differs than Programming Under Windows If Yes Why Yes Aren't C Plus Plus One Language?
The different "dialects" of C plus plus (more commonly written C++) you might encounter are more a result of the...
In: Computer ProgrammingCan generations 1-4 programming languages be object-oriented programming language?
First-generation is binary, just zeros and ones, so you can not talk about OOP at this level. The same is true, no OOP,...
In: Computer TerminologyWhat are the features of object oriented programming over structured programming?
the features of oop are: . Emphasis is on data rather than procedure . Data is Hidden and cannot be accessed by...
In: Computer ProgrammingAdvantages that a programming team will encounter with a new programming enviroment?
It certainly depends. First off, is the new environment chosen by management or chosen by the programming team. If...
In: ScienceWhat is the difference between structured programming and object oriented programming?
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat is the difference between event driven programming and structured programming?
Event driven programming is just that, the code does not get executed until an event happens. A good example is a...
In: College Applications and Entrance RequirementsDifference between event driven programming and traditional programming?
In traditional programming, code was run from start to finish and sometimes asked for input along the way. Event driven...
In: Computer Programming Computer Software and ApplicationsShort note on structural programming and procedural programming?
There is no difference between procedural programing language & structure programing language. Source:...
In: EngineeringSince am not very good at programming What can be selected as best for masters degree without programming?
You might want to consider a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). You will find individuals from almost every...
In: Graduate DegreesSimilarities between Structured programming and object oriented programming?
In structured programming...the idea was that the overall flow of control of the program was laid out using a function...
In: JAVA C ProgrammingWhat is the difference between genetic programming and conventional programming?
If you're referring to genetic algorithms, it's a subset of what you may call "conventional programming" Genetic...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat is the similarities between Procedural programming and visual programming?
it is a load of rubbrish
In: UncategorizedWhat is the difference between Procedural programming and visual programming?
In procedural programming the programs are written as a list of instructions (procedures) which are written in a...
In: Computer ProgrammingIs programming in java3d a lot different from programming in java?
Well the random back access data in java scrpit is about 40mb difference on the downloading side so, the fact that you...
In: JAVAIn Computer programming Why is it considered good programming practice to define the number of array items as a constant before declaring the array?
To not define your array would leave the program open to unchecked growth. "Capping" the array with an upper value...
In: Computer Programming C Programming3 A programming language developed by the US Department of Defence was named to honour a famous woman mathematician What is the name of this programming language?
In: Computer HistoryWhat are the differences between object-oriented programming languages and generation 1-4 programming languages How are they similair?
Object oriented computer programming and design methodology has become popular as a way of modeling and solving many...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat does 'methodology' mean?
methodology what does methodology (sociology) mean????
In: Definitions and Word DifferencesWhat is DSSS Methodology?
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum It's one of the many protocols for transmitting data over a wire (or other medium)
In: Business Plans Computer TerminologyWhat is testing methodology?
The Basic Structure that has to be followed for developing any Software/project including Testing process is called as...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat does research methodology mean?
is an abstraction or constitiution of the research
In: Learning Theories'Sociology is a methodology' - who said this?
I want to know about Resaearch methodological and method
In: Famous QuotationsWhat are the differences between procedural programming language and object-oriented programming language?
It isn't usually a difference in the language itself, but actually a difference in how the programming is done and...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat is the Difference between highlevel programming language and low level programming language?
High level programming languages are more structured, are closer to spoken language and are more intuitive than low...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat is the difference between Structured Programming Language from Object Oriented Programming Language?
Object Oriented Programming is a subset of structured programming. After objects are created in a program, you use...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat is the methodology of education in the Bible?
Being born again, letting the comforter(holy spirit) have free reign, and study with prayer, prayer, prayer. The...
In: The BibleWhat is the Meaning of research methodology?
what is the maening of research methodology?
In: Management and Strategy Human Resources IndustriesWhat is Methodology of retail marketing?
retail marketing
In: Telephones Wal-MartWhat project management methodology do you use?
I follow, as do almost all methodologies, the basic premises laid out by the Project Management Institute.
In: ComputersWhat is the offshore development methodology?
There are different types of Software Development Methodologies and Models. Here so many samples.............. ...
In: Investing and Financial MarketsClassification of research methodology?
what are the various methodology which can be used in sales forecasting
In: Educational Methods and Theories ScienceWhat are the 3 M's of effective teaching methodology?
meaning, Memorable, & ?
In: Jobs and EducationHow do you make a methodology of investigatory project?
ok...how about a link?? http://www.freesciencefairproject.com/requirements.htm ok...how about a link??...
In: How-ToWhat is empirical review in research methodology?
Wiki answer is pathetic , i never found a single question answered! close it down guys. it doesnt work Wiki answer is...
In: ScienceIs the believer always right as a methodology principle in religion?
I suppose that might depend on the particular religion in question, but in Christianity, no, the believer is not always...
In: Religion and SpiritualityWhat are the benefits to following a systems development methodology?
What are the benefits of sticking to the plan? It's not a matter of where you are going. It's a matter of finding out...
In: Business PlansWhat is Auditing practices and methodology of firms?
What is Auditing practices and methodology of firms?"
In: Business Accounting and BookkeepingWhat is the difference between structured oriented programming procedure and oriented programming?
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat is the difference between structured oriented programming and object oriented programming?
Object Oriented programming is a superset of structured programming. Structured programming is as follows: --Program...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat are the major differences between Java programming language and any other programming language?
Java, while not very different from some languages is different from most languages is that it is interpreted, it is...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat is the difference in procedure oriented programming and object oriented programming?
Procedure orientated programming is when a programmer creates functions and variables that are separate parts for his...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat is the difference between structured oriented programming and object oriented programming with example?
structured oriented programming and object oriented programming have some features of similarities, but the distinction...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat would be the best methodology for doing a statistical sample of the Virgin Islands?
In: Travel StatisticsWhat is the methodology for studying the relatioship between anxiety and alcohol?
I want to study the relationship between alcohol use and anxiety so methodolgy is a must thing know? I have made use...
In: UncategorizedWhat is the difference between method statement and construction methodology?
The difference between both is that method statement provide detailed activities and construction methodology provide...
In: Science Interior Design
First computer to use binary number system?
QBasic is a simple BASIC compiler that can be found on the Windows 98 Disk. Although not fancy and decorative, it is a...
In: ComputersWhat is the extension to a qbasic file?
.bas file
In: ComputersHow you draw a circle in qbasic?
In: Computer ProgrammingHow do you generate a series 1 3 5. using qbasic?
There are multiple ways to generate that particular string, several more than can be listed in one answer. For example:...
In: Computer ProgrammingHow do you create a login program with Qbasic?
I was able to create a login program in qbasic with this simple code: cls 1 input "Username: " , username$ if...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsIs there a Qbasic compiler that works on Windows 3.1?
The original version of QBASIC had a built-in compiler (which worked anywhere, anytime), but this functionality was...
In: Computer Programming WindowsWhat is the difference between Qbasic and visual basic?
QBASIC is not a visual language, although it can be used to create very crude visual programs (much like a BIOS screen...
In: JAVAHow do you write a magic square program with qbasic?
You're better off using a program like Visual Basic or C++ to do that. QBasic doesn't have very many capabilities.
In: Computer ProgrammingExplain the if-then-else statement with syntax in computer QBASIC?
Here is a simple example of a program using the IF...THEN...ELSE... statement in QBASIC: 1 CLS 2 INPUT "What is your...
In: ComputersWrite a simple but a complete Qbasic that will accept three numbers find the sum and the average of these numbers.?
write a simple but a complete Qbasic that will accept three numbers find sum and the average of these numbers. write a...
In: Algebra C Programming
Every version of Windows, even Vista, bundles a copy of MS-DOS. You can create an MS-DOS boot floppy by formatting a...
In: Windows Web DownloadsIs MS Dos a Multiuser Os?
No. It does not effectively separate the files and abilities of different users. Any user who uses it can delete,...
In: TechnologyHow does DOS work?
DOS was the operating system that was used before windows came out. Basically it would go through a boot up sequence...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWho was the first founder of DOS?
Tim Paterson was the original developer of QDOS, the system that Microsoft purchased and developed further into MS-DOS.
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhen was MS DOS developed?
86-DOS was developed in 1980 and MS-DOS introduced in 1981
In: ComputersWhat does DOS stand for?
DOS stands for: * Disk Operating System * Democratic Opposition of Serbia * (United States) Department of State *...
In: Computer Software and Applications Acronyms and AbbreviationsWhy DOS has been created?
DOS OS DOS was created as an Operating System. When DOS was first created we didnt have any sort of GUI's (Graphical...
In: Computer HistoryWho invented ms dos?
Tim Patterson. Not the author though.
In: WindowsWhat replaced MS-DOS?
MS-DOS is an operating system that used to be very popular. However, now it is being replaced with software like...
In: ComputersWhy DOS still exists?
DOS still exists because some of the very old but still useful products only run with DOS so it would be silly to...
In: Computers WindowsWho created DOS?
Not who you think. Acutally a man by the name of Tim Patterson had an operating called QDOS. Bill Gates bought it from...
In: Computer HistoryWhat dos the bi in biscuit mean?
"Bi" means two, and "cu" I would guess is short for "Cut" and "It" refers to Biscuit, as opposed to your fingers,,,...
In: UncategorizedDefinition of DOS?
Disk Operating System It is a command line interface (CLI) based operating system where you type commands to execute...
In: Computer TerminologyWhat are the 2 types of dos?
The major competitors were MS-DOS and PC-DOS; Microsoft and IBM. There also was an AppleDOS on early Apples; so there...
In: Windows Computer Software and Applications ComputersWHAT DOS antitransubstantiationalist mean?
one who does not believe in catholic religion beliefs ie that christ turned water in to wine. one who does not believe...
In: Zoology or Animal Biology ZoologistsWhat is dos editor?
DOS editor is the old DOS version of notepad, it was the only way in the DOS days to edit a text file, all files with a...
In: Electronics EngineeringWhat dos bitch mean?
It is a female dog.
In: UncategorizedWhat dos omg mean?
Oh my god. OMG i so can't believe u didn't know thaat!!!!!!!!!!!!!xD and if you dont know what xD means it a laughing...
In: Internet SlangHow do you start ms dos?
i don't know
In: Database ProgrammingCan window xp go without DOS?
unlike Win95/98/ME WinXP does not use dos in order to function. This was one of the major advances when Microsoft...
In: WindowsHow many kids dos she have?
In: UncategorizedWhen was DOS first sold?
MS-DOS was first sold in 1981, the last version was sold in 2000.
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsCan DOS be used to burn a CD on its own?
If the right drivers are used, then the CD will become another DOS drive where files can be written. However, I think...
In: ComputersWhat are the dos files?
Dos files are the files with the extension .bat which are used for programming in DOS. This is also called as batch...
In: ComputersWhat are the two types of dos?
1) DOS - Disk Operation System (Pre-Windows'ish operation system) 2) DOS - Denial Of Services (Usually used terms of...
In: ComputersWhat are the commands for DOS?
There are literally hundreds of commands for DOS. It all depends on what it is your exactly trying to do. If you can...
In: ComputersWhat dos petrus mean?
"Petrus" means rock. Simon's name was changed to Peter, signifying a change from sand to rock, a more stable foundation...
In: CatholicismExample of DOS comand?
The most simple DOS command has to be RUN. A way to view files in a particular directory is DIR. To change to a new...
In: TechnologyGet in to c drive in dos?
It depends on what operating system you are using, but if its windows XP or windows 2000 do this process: Start menu...
In: Computers
If you formatted your hard drive between the OS installs of 98, 2000 and XP, it would be difficult to retrieve files...
In: Microsoft WordHow can you reload windows 98 without losing personal files ex photos Am getting cannot find device file that may be needed to run windows or a windows application Cant use windows functions to fix?
You should be able to reinstall win98 and not format your storage device. If prompted to repair windows, do that...
In: WindowsWhat are the advantages of Windows 95 over Windows NT Windows 98 Windows 2000 Windows XP Unix and Linux?
I dont think there is any. If there was something really good about it, Microsoft wouldn't have just forgot about this...
In: Windows XPIf your computer had Windows 98 upgraded to Windows 2000 and then to Windows XP how can you remove the upgrades and go back to Windows 98?
1. uninstall your OS and reinstall 98. fair warning: 98 isn't supported anymore. all the new games WILL NOT run on...
In: WindowsHow do you locate an Electrical short in 2000 Dodge caravan windows wiring system Already replaced the drivers side master windows switches no change in windows operations Windows quit at same time?
check for broken wires in harness going from driver's door into the car...good luck!!!
In: Dodge Grand CaravanWhat is the file system that is common to dos windows 9x windows nt windows 2000 and windows xp?
DOS and all versions of Windows support FAT16 file system.
In: Computer Software and Applications Computer TerminologyI have installed dual operating system windows XP and Linux and there is an error grub now i can't go inside windows how can i recover windows XP?
You can try booting up with the windows xp install cd, or if you have installed XP and Linux on diffirent drives, you...
In: LinuxOld pc that was running on windows MEi want to do a format c and install windows ME don't have the drivers for pc have windows commander on floppy and bootdiscette for MEstep for step plz?
Save yourself future problems and get a real good OS. Download Ubuntu at http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download and...
In: WindowsWindows vista provides option like ready boost and Windows Super Fetch does some other software provides the facilities of running similar programs on windows X P?
Neither technology is available for XP, however ReadyBoost-like functionality can be achieved by moving your paging...
In: Computer Maintenance Database ProgrammingYou are planning an upgrade from windows 98 to windows xp and what if your system uses a modem card that you dont find listed on the microsoft windows xp list of compatible devices what do you do next?
1. Go to the modem manufacturers' website 2. download the xp/2000 drivers. 3. Burn them to cd / flashdrive / whatever...
In: TechnologyHow does Windows 2000 and Windows Xp terminology refer to a file that contains part of the Windows registry?
They are called hive files.
In: Computer TerminologyHow do you change your operating system to windows XP or windows professional if you have windows vista?
You would need to reformat your computer and install XP. You can reformat your computer by inserting the XP install...
In: WindowsCan windows meeting place be used with another version of windows ie windows professional?
I am not to sure, but it should be as long it is the same version or a newer version. IT MAY NOT WORK with older...
In: Computer NetworkingWhat is the difference between operating system windows NT windows XP windows 2000?
Windows XP and 2000 are different versions of windows nt. Windows 2000 is NT 5.0 and XP is 5.1, Vista is 6.0. They each...
In: Operating Systems1998 chevy lumina driverside windows and passenger windows dont work but the back windows work is it the fuse or switch or loose wire?
Superman of course!
In: Chevy MalibuI have the Windows Vista upgrade disc and I just bought a new hard drive. Do I need to reinstall Windows Xp and Windows Vista again or is there an eaiser way to do it?
It depends on what for you are going to use the hard drive. If you want to use it like the system drive, then the...
In: WindowsWhen youre running a component within ASP.NET what process is it running within on Windows XP Windows 2000 and Windows 2003?
The ASP.NET worker process. Source: http://www.developerzen.com/2005/02/
In: Computer ProgrammingHow much did Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 Server each cost when they first came out?
WIndows 200 wasn't as expensive as you would of thought it was.....But the other two were over priced.
In: Windows Computer Software and Applications Computer NetworkingWhat are the differeces between Windows 95 and Windows 98 and Windows 2000 and Windowes XP?
Windows 95 is the first version of Windows to debut the infamous Windows explorer look. Windows 95 today is considered...
In: Windows Computer ProgrammingWhen youre running a component within aspnet what process is it running within on windows xp windows 2000 windows 2003?
The ASP.NET worker process. Source: http://www.developerzen.com/2005/02/
In: Windows XPHow do you create a windows xp pro dik free to upgrade my computer from windows 2000 to windows xp pro?
There is not a free way to do so, unless somebody gives you a unused Windows XP Upgrade Disc.
In: Windows 2000The ability to boot from both windows xp and windows 2000 on the same machine or to boot windows 2000xp and another OS is called a?
Dual Booting, using a program called a 'Boot Loader'.
In: Windows 2000Is there any way to copy Windows from a computer onto a CD My dads computer came with Windows on it but no CD was included. I on the otherhand don't have a Windows CD and need one.Thanks in advance?
Frist you make a Backup of you Windows into anthor drive. Than you transfer you backup in you dads computer.Than In you...
In: WindowsWhen you're running a component within aspnet what account is it running under on windows xp ---windows 2000 windows 2003?
It runs on ASPNET (IIS Default Account) found under AD or Users and Computers. The password is autogenerated and DO...
In: C Programming Computer Software and ApplicationsIs there a calendar creator plus software for Windows-Vista Need to change the system from Windows 98 to Windows Vista?
Windows Vista has Windows Calender
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat are Windows 95 Windows 98 and Windows ME collectively called?
They are just called "Windows", though they are differentiated as being "DOS-based" rather than Windows 2000, XP,...
In: WindowsYou have been using your hp photoscanner 1000 on your windows 98 but now you have upgraded to a windows vista you cannot use your 1000 so perhaps you could send you an update disc for a windows vista?
If what you're trying to say is that when you try to install software on your Windows Vista from an old disk for you HP...
In: Windows 98Your 93 mazda protege power windows will not work you have checked the fuses and they are all good None of the windows will go up or down Please help?
I'll bet your problem is in the master control panel on the driver's door. It sounds like perhaps the power wire has...
In: Mazda ProtegeYou have windows vista installed if you remove and install a new hard drive can you put windows xp on it?
Assuming you have the media and a valid license you could install Windows XP on a new hard drive. However, you would...
In: WindowsIs there any possibility that a windows guest account is able to change the windows administrator password on the same computer?
Only if they have your password.
In: WindowsHow to downgrade from windows XP to windos 98 As Windows 98 supports priting from dos based programme?
It is not recommended that you downgrade. Were you to downgrade, you would just insert the 98 install disk and format...
In: WindowsHow do you put 2 operating system on 2 hard drives like Windows 2000 pro and windows XP?
Assuming that the computer has IDE drives, the first thing to do is to install each operating sytem on each disk. Put...
In: Education WindowsWhat applet in the Windows 2000 Control Panel do you use to stop a PC card before removing it In Windows 98?
add/remove hardware
In: Microsoft WordWhere is the relay switch for the windows on a 1999 KIA Sportage The windows will not go down and the fuse is fine?
i think its in the front passenger footwell, to the right near the centre console, i hope this helps
In: Kia SportageHow can you change the default operating system when you have windows98 and xp so that windows 98 comes automatically unless windows xp is selected?
Using msconfig This kind of depends on if you already have the ability to select Operating Systems or not. Assuming...
In: WindowsIs it possible to show local area connection in system tray icon in windows 98 like windows xp?
I went so far as to install 98 on a system at home just to check this out. I was unable to find an option that would...
In: Windows 98How to install windows xp home upgrade on a new hard drive without an older windows-disk?
AFAIK, you don't, unless you use a cd-key for the full version while installing, however, thats pirating, and you may...
In: WindowsHow do you uninstall Windows XP-Professional after successfully installing Windows XP-Home Edition in the same drive?
First off why would you want to...XP Pro is so much nicer. Further, It depends on how the latter was installed. It is...
In: WindowsHow can you downgrade a computer running Windows Server 2003 Standard back to Windows XP?
You cannot downgrade an operating system. You will have to nuke the hard drive and reload from the beginning. This is a...
In: Windows XPWhat is the windows xp recovery tool that is similar to the windows 2000 emergency repair process?
windows xp automated system recovery (ASR)
In: Windows 2000 Windows 98 Windows XPI have an HP 317 digital camera but my software is for windows XP. Can I update this to be compatible with Windows Vista?
You can download drivers for Windows Vista for the HP Photosmart E317 Digital Camera directly from the HP website at:...
In: Windows VistaIs there anything about Windows Home Vista Premium that is not compatible with Windows Microsoft Office 2003?
Not that I'm aware of. I ran both for several months.
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat is the price range for turning manual windows into power windows on a 2003 Chevy?
Several hundred bucks per window. But there is good news. You need to first find out if your Chevy is "set up" for...
In: Electric WindowsHow do you repair the power windows in a 1993 Bronco the motors are still good but the windows fall down and won't go up?
I'd say, either the window actuator arm broke or (more probable) the two little plastic gears that are part of the...
In: Ford Bronco Eddie BauerWhat could cause a c.windows.system32 window to open up every time your Windows XP Pro system is booted up?
Somehow a shortcut to that folder may have been placed in your start menu. To check, go to Start - Programs - Startup....
In: WindowsWhat is the windows xp recovery tool that is simmilar to the windows 2000 emergancy repair process?
Boot from the XP cd use the recovery tool within the disk
In: Windows XPWhere is the fuse located for power windows on 1998 Oldsmobile Aurora no windows work?
I'm thinking this model has a fuse box on the front drivers side... look for a panel to open all the way to the left...
In: Cars and VehiclesLogitech mouse is working with Windows 98 but is frequently not detected in Windows XP what is the reason and the fix?
try downloading the latest drivers from the Logitech website
In: Computer HardwareYour laptop came with Windows Vista installed you want to replace this Windows Xp Pro What is the detailed procedure?
Firstly you have to put an windows XP CD having image of XP in CD-ROM in order to make changes and install windows XP....
In: Windows VistaHow can you uninstall Windows XP-Professional after successfully installing Windows XP-Home Edition in a different drive?
Go to your command prompt of the drive with Professional & put in the 3 1/2 Floppy "Start-Up" disk. Type "FDisk" in...
In: Windows
Depending on if you have them open in separate windows of Excel. If they are in the same window: * Ctrl + F4 = Closes...
In: Computer Software and Applications KeyboardingHow do you solve a pension fund problem using time value of money and the excel spreadsheet and excel formulas?
If you have a set dollar goal to reach and a set dollar amount that you can contribute, then I think I can help. ...
In: Business and Finance Business Accounting and Bookkeeping Computer Software and ApplicationsCan you edit an excel spreadsheet opened with excel viewer?
You cannot. The whole point of Excel Viewer is to be able to read-only view an excel spreadsheet, even though you do...
In: MiscellaneousWhat is the difference between Excel formula and an Excel function?
An Excel Function is a instruction to excel to perform some built in task or calculation. E.g. The function...
In: UncategorizedWhat is the difference between excel 95 and excel 2003?
THE ANSWER PROVIDED BY THE ROBIN There are many differences between Excel 2003 and Excel 2007. Some of the changes in...
In: Microsoft Word Computer Software and Applications Hyundai ExcelCan you make Excel 2007 look like the old Excel?
I am sorry to say that the answer is no.
In: Telecommunications Computer Software and ApplicationsWhere can you find information about a 20 guage Excel top break shotgun marked P49772E along the base of the trigger guard and Excel on one side and a picture of a buffalo on the other side?
Excel shotguns were made by a couple of different manufactures, notably Crescent Firearms and Iver Johnson, for sale by...
In: Misc ShotgunsYou are trying to open MS Excel 2007 file into Excel 2003 but you fail to open it?
I have included a link from Microsoft on how to do this.
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat are the differences between Microsoft Excel 2003 and Microsoft Excel 2007?
There are many differences between Excel 2003 and Excel 2007. Some of the changes in Excel 2007 are improvements. Some...
In: Microsoft ExcelYou am unable to change an excel file once it is copied to my cd-rw it says read-only it has a mind of it's own how can I copy an excel file to a cd-rw and it not be a read-only?
Open the file, immediately save it to somewhere on your hard disk. Then make the changes and save them to hard disk....
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsIf you update a date in excel can that be automatically updated in word For example ABC job Completion date is April 2007 I type that in excel is there a way it can update word?
The answer is yes. In Excel 2007, make the cell or cells with dates and then copy them. Goto Word and select Edit from...
In: ComputersWhat is excel used for?
Excel is a 'spreadsheet' program and spreadsheets are used for mathematical equations. Whether you just want to add up...
In: Microsoft Excel Budgeting and ForecastingWhat is value in excel?
Data in a spreadsheet can be text, number, date or logical. Values are numeric and right align in cells and can be used...
In: Business and FinanceHow did excel come about?
It came about because Microsoft were competing with Lotus. All computer spreadsheets are based on paper sheets that...
In: Microsoft ExcelWhat are the uses of excel?
Exel is a spreadsheet program that enables you to enter formulas and data into the cells in order to organize...
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat are the diadvantages of using excel?
No relational linkages, long calculation times with long datasets.
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsUse of MS excel to a manager?
for working out budgets or any complex data which can be presented by rows and columns eg monthly expenses,sales
In: Business and FinanceWhich microsoft xp comes with excel?
None. Excel is an application that is part of Microsoft Office. Some vendors may install Offfice or Excel when they...
In: Microsoft AccessAre there any games in MS-Excel?
NO! Answer Yes. There is a car game. I have seen my friend playing it. He doesn't tell me the method but you...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat do you mean by microsoft excel?
Microsoft is a brand like Addidas or Prada. Excel is a programme that you use for producing things like spreadsheets...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat occupation use excel?
Business and accounting use it definately. But EXCEL is useful for many types of business. I used it in my...
In: UncategorizedWhat does SHIFT 4 do in excel?
IT GIVES YOU $ BUT WHAT DOES IT DO IN EXCEL? The dollar signs $ can make the cell reference absolute =$A$1 is...
In: Microsoft ExcelWhat is the definition of Excel?
it's a software program in computing which constructs spreadsheets,used mainly for displaying and calculating tables of...
In: ComputersAssignment on ms excel?
I need complete information about MS Office 2007 and their assignments.
In: Database ProgrammingBenefits of excel?
excel helps us to make our calculations faster and we can draw conclusions faster by making graphs, pie charts. The...
In: ComputersHow do you add in excel?
Method 1: Type the following in a cell "=5+5" and you will get 10 Method 2: To add to cell values "=C5+D5" (content of...
In: Microsoft ExcelWho invented Excel?
Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft but is by no means the first spreadsheet. The very first spreadsheet was...
In: InventionsHow do you alphabetize in excel?
Select all of the rows you want to aphabetize. It is assumed you organized your data with each entry's information in a...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat is an Excel name box?
its your mom
In: Microsoft ExcelWhat is extension name for excel?
Normal Excel workbook files have the .xls extension. Template files have an .xlt extension. There are a few other types...
In: Microsoft Excel Computer Software and Applications InternetWhat is excel on computers?
Excel is a specialized program that manages numbers in various ways. It uses spreadsheets and data to process a large...
In: Computer Software and Applications Computer TerminologyWhat is the first compter with excel?
In: Jobs and EducationWhat do vlookups do in excel?
A vLookup is a vertical lookup function. You have a similar function called a hLookup or horizontal lookup. Bot allow...
In: Microsoft ExcelWhat is excel spreadsheets used for?
Pretty much everything, its basically like a super larger calculator. I use it for budgets, diets, stock tracking,...
In: Business and FinanceHow do you use Excel forms?
In: Small Business and EntrepreneurshipHow many column are in excel?
256 in Excel 2003, 16,000 in Excel 2007.
In: Questions about WikiAnswers WebsiteWhat can excel do that word can't?
Word can only do very basic simple maths - Excel can do almost ANY type of maths! Word is just a simple text editor...
In: UncategorizedHow do you download excel?
Get it for a trial, just click and download.
In: UncategorizedWhat are the disadvantages of using ms excel?
The main disadvantages are Not easily sharable (except for Tools, Share workbook) Non relational (except for lookup...
In: Business Accounting and BookkeepingHow does one excel in math?
One would excel in math if you ask questions, pay attention in class, practice every night, study, and try your hardest
In: Learning Tips MathWhat is the value of an Excel shotgun?
Answer The Excel trade name was used by Iver Johnson on single shot shotguns sold by Montgomery Ward c...
In: Misc Shotguns Crescent FirearmsHow do you prorate using excel?
Assume: Days in month/billing period = x (29/30/31) Days that user has service = y (0
In: Computer ProgrammingWhat can people do using Microsoft excel?
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program used to make charts containing information. You can make calculations. use...
In: Jobs and Education Literature and Language Law and Legal Issues
What the best way to learn microsoft excel?
What is the best way to learn excel?
In: Computer Software and Applications
Microsoft Word yes of course you can open it .. it might show up symbols in place of characters, but you can always...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsCan one open a Microsoft Word 2007 document in Microsoft Word 2003?
Yes you can, Microsoft now has a download to do this. although you may lose some formatting during the conversion....
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsAre there any differences between Microsoft Word 2003 and Microsoft Word 2007?
MS 2007 is more function than MS 2003. MS 2007 have different and more colorful interface, which take a while used to...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsHow many similarities between Microsoft Word 2003 and Microsoft Word 2007?
In: WindowsAre there any differences between Microsoft Word 2003 and Microsoft Word 2007?
MS 2007 is more function than MS 2003. MS 2007 have different and more colorful interface, which take a while used to...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhich is the best package among microsoft word adobe pagemaker and microsoft excel?
My opinon is Microsoft Word because thats what fits my needs. I have to type a lot so that works for me. My dad has to...
In: Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft WordDoes Windows Vista include Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word?
No not unless the OEM company you buy the computer from has it as a package deal. But no there is no retail version of...
In: Computer Software and Applications WindowsEnumerate the differences of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power Point?
Microsoft Word is a word processor, and Microsoft Powerpoint allows you to create presentations. It's different than a...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat is the cheapest most basic Microsoft software you should buy if you just want the Microsoft Word feature for your Apple Mac laptop computer?
You should get Office 2008 for mac Go to
In: Apple and MacDoes Microsoft 2000 professional include Microsoft word?
No. Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro and Windows Office are seperate products.
In: Computer Software and Applications WindowsHow do you send a Microsoft works document into Microsoft word?
Dear Josaih how are you God will belss you,you w'll make it
In: Computer ProgrammingIs it possible to open a Microsoft Word document in Microsoft Works?
It is possible due to Microsoft Works including word. It also depends on the file format of the word document, wether...
In: Microsoft Corporation Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat is the difference between microsoft publisher and microsoft word?
In my opinion, Microsoft Word is simply better for creating letters, correspondence and in general documents that are...
In: Microsoft WordWhat is the difference between the Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel?
Microsoft Word is a word processing package used for creating text based documents, such as letters, etc. Microsoft...
In: Computer TerminologyWhat is the difference between Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word?
Excel is a It is a computerised spreadsheet program, which can be used for many things involving calculations, like...
In: Windows Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat is the difference between microsoft word and microsoft access?
Microsoft Word is a word processor - a program used to create textual documents (e.g. letters, essays, books, manuals)....
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsDifference of microsoft word to microsoft excel?
Are you serious with this question??
In: Microsoft Access Microsoft ExcelDifferenciate the microsoft excel to microsoft word?
Microsoft Excel is primarily a spreadsheet program for making sense out of numbers. Microsoft Word is primarily a...
In: Computer TerminologyWhat is the difference between Microsoft work work processor and Microsoft office word software in term of its usage?
Microsoft Works includes spreadsheet, calender, and other creative and useful templates, aside from word processing....
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsYour employer wants to know if you have Word on your computer Does he mean Microsoft Word or is there any other programs that are Word?
There is only one word processing software called Word - that is by Microsoft that I am aware of. If you need to know...
In: Medical InsuranceYou have microsoft 2007 word and am trying to use a software program dated 2004 wword 2003 your 07 word will not go into compalability mode automaticly or at all what can I do?
You can use a converter Docx2doc.com. or install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for 2007 Office Word, Excel...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsHow to find a word on microsoft word?
Press Ctrl + F and type the word which you want to find in the poped up dialog.
In: Computer Terminology Internet WindowsWhat is Microsoft word?
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsHow do you use microsoft word?
In: Windows Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat does microsoft word about?
used for a4 work
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsHow do you get microsoft word?
Microsoft Word can be purchased as part of either the Microsoft Office or Microsoft Works office suites.
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsHow old is microsoft word?
You can get info about word here http://www.bytesizeoffice.co.uk/word.htm
In: Microsoft WordWhen using Microsoft office live will you be able to edit with microsoft office 2003 on a windows machine and microsoft office 2008 mac for students are they compatble?
Yes you can ----------- There is a compatability pack for office 2003 to be able to read and write to the...
In: Apple and Mac WindowsWho created Microsoft Word?
It was originally call Bravo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bravo_%28software%29) and developed by Xerox. It is best...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat is a URL in regards to Microsoft Word?
Universal Resource Locater
In: Microsoft WordWho invented the microsoft word?
microsoft office
In: Computer Software and Applications Microsoft CorporationWhat is the Thesaurus in Microsoft Word?
A thesaurus is a collection of synonyms and antonyms to a word. When you look up a word in a thesaurus, it will provide...
In: ComputersWhat do Microsoft Word Applications do?
Word is a word processing program, it can write books, create tables, mail merge, you can add headers and footers and...
In: Microsoft WordWhat are some advantages of using Microsoft Word?
Microsoft word features many tools for editing text (alignment, paragraphs, bullets and numbering) and also it includes...
In: WindowsStart microsoft word?
Pre-requisite: Microsoft Office should have been installed on the Computer. There are various methods to open...
In: Microsoft WordWhat is the importance of Microsoft Word?
It's the proverbially 600 pound gorilla, but it's just an overblown word processor. It wasn't the first, it was never...
In: ComputersHow many people use Microsoft Word?
Around 500 million users wordwide thereby making the most popular word processor in the world.
In: ComputersWhat are some disadvantages of using Microsoft Word?
it takes a while to load
In: Microsoft WordThe history of microsoft word?
this sucks!!!!
In: Computer Software and Applications Microsoft CorporationIn Microsoft Word how do you get AutoShapes up?
AutoShapes is the third item from the left on the Drawing toolbar. To see the Drawing toolbar: View menu >...
In: Microsoft WordWhat is microsoft office word?
"Word" is the worlds most popular word-processing program. Word is only one of the many programs included in the...
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat do you use microsoft word to do in office?
you can make letters or do documents and stuff like that
In: UncategorizedWhat are the things can do with Microsoft word?
You can write letter's sheets + more
In: Microsoft Outlook and Live Hotmail Microsoft Xbox WindowsHow much does microsoft word cost?
I bought it at Christmas for $149 at Best Buy
In: Computer Software and ApplicationsWhat are the disadvantages of using Microsoft Word?
i don't know ok im the one is searching for
In: Microsoft WordHow does Microsoft Word help Americans?
Most documents that are printed out and saved are done so through Microsoft Word. If you are going to type something up...
In: WindowsWho made up the name Microsoft Word?
In: Computer HistoryHow can you do a brochure on microsoft word?
you cant.
In: Microprocessors Consumer ElectronicsWhat are macros in Microsoft Word?
Macros are things that save time, ie instead of typing something more than once, you can use a macro, they do other...
In: Microsoft Word
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